Castro’s culture summary

From the association of historical recreation Tir Na n’Og, we decided to share our knowledge on the history of the castrexa culture and to elaborate a small summary so that all person who has certain interest by this historical period of Galicia, and does not know by where to begin, has access the one compilation of the most updated bibliography published until the moment. About this summary, fruit of many hours of reading and as many hours of writing, we want to clarify that we do not interpret the word of the different authors, but simply we compile the most updated published information, which we strongly recommend to read and to consult if you are interested in this exciting period of our history, since this does not stop being an introductory summary.

The download is totally free, since the purpose of this project was always to bring the knowledge of the castrexa culture to the greatest possible number of people. For this reason, this summary will be updated as scientific knowledge advances, so that always you can have the updated information at hand. For now, the guide is written only in Spanish but we hope in the future to have a version in English so that the knowledge crosses borders.

We hope you enjoy it!